Learner ILR Summary in PICSWeb
Selecting ILR from underneath the learner name in the side menu will open the Learner ILR Summary page. This page shows the learner details needed for the ILR form divided into various tabs.
Our Learner Journey in PICSWeb page explains the difference between ILR and internal tracking elements in PICSWeb learner records.
Learner Details
The summary page contains the following details for the learner:
Ident Code
Display Picture – Selecting this will open your file browser, where you can search for a new picture if necessary.
Full Name
Email – Select this to open a new email to the learner.
Risk Band – This indicates the level of risk associated with the learner, ranging from green (low-risk) to yellow (medium-risk) and red (high-risk). A grey circle means that no risk level has been set.
Validation Status – This shows whether the learner has passed or failed their most recent Validation check. A clock icon indicates that the learner’s validation status is out of date.
Status – If the learner has not yet been put on a Workflow, the option to Select Workflow will be shown here instead.
Tags – Any Tags that have been added to the learner will be shown here. You can select the X within a tag to remove it, or select the + icon to add new tags.
Overall Qualification Progress – This shows the learner’s progression through their Qualifications, based on the proportion that are Not Started, Complete (an Actual End Date has been entered), In Progress or Overdue (the Expected End Date has passed).
Learner ILR Details
The following programme details are shown for the learner in the left-hand section of the ILR Summary:
Learner Reference Number
Unique Learner Number – If you are using LRS Integration, you can download the ULN for a learner in their LRS Details tab.
Programme Type
Apprenticeship Standard
Programme ACT
Programme Status
Programme Dates – If an actual end date has been recorded it will be displayed in green.
Start and End Type – In an end type has been recorded it will be displayed in green.
Learning Expected End date
Age at start of programme
Qualification Plan – Selecting this will open the relevant Qualification Plan Summary in PICSWeb configuration.
Main Qualification Aim – Selecting this will open the relevant ILR Learning Aim Summary page. A full list of the qualifications included in the ILR can be found in the Learning Aims tab.
You can select the pencil icon by the Main Qualification Aim to choose a different Learning Aim to set as the main aim.
Learner ILR Actions
The following actions are available from the Actions button at the top-right of the page:
Start Break-in-Learning – This will open a window where you can record a Break-in-Learning for the learner.
End Break-in-Learning – If the learner is already on a Break-in-Learning, this will open a window where you can record its end.
Start End Point Assessment - Starting EPA will update the ILR Programme Aim to Completion Status ‘Continuing’ and Outcome ‘Not Yet Known’, and will close any remaining open ILR Component Aims starting before the ‘Last Day in Learning’ as Completion Status ‘Completed’ and Outcome 'Achieved'.
Change Qualification Plan – This will open a window where you can Change the Qualification Plan for the learner.
Change Apprenticeship Standard – This will open a window where you can Change the Apprenticeship Standard for the learner.
Generate Document – This will Generate a Learner Document according to your chosen template, populated with learner details.
Other Information
The remaining programme details for the learner are found in the various tabs in the programme summary page. Information can be edited from within these each tabs. The following tabs are available: