Qualification Plan Summary in PICSWeb Configuration

Qualification Plan Summary in PICSWeb Configuration

Selecting the ... icon next to a Qualification Plan in the Qualification Plan List and selecting Summary, or selecting the plan title, will open the Qualification Plan Summary page. The summary is divided into three tabs which display the following information:

  • Elements – These are the qualifications that make up the plan. A learner or applicant on this plan will have these qualifications added to their record.

  • ILR Defaults – These are the fields in the ILR form that will be set to a default value for any learner or applicant on the plan.

  • Sites – These are the Sites in which the plan is available to apply to learners and applicants.

  • Apprenticeship Prices – These are the financial values which will be used to calculate the learner’s Total Negotiated Prices and Payment Records.

The summary page also shows the TitleStatus, and Code for the qualification plan, as well as any other details added when Editing the Plan. Selecting Actions > Edit from the top-right corner of the page will open the edit window.

Editing Learner Tags

At the bottom of the details panel is the Learner Tags field, which shows any Tags that will be applied to learners on the qualification plan. You can use the + icon to open the Add Tags window, where you can search for existing tags to add or create a new tag. Select Save to apply the selection of tags to the plan.


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