PICSWeb Calendar

PICSWeb Calendar

A free course on CRM Functions in PICSWeb is available from our Course Library, including a video covering activity management. 

The PICSWeb Calendar displays any assessments, interviews, reviews, or other appointments linked to you and other officers. You can edit appointment details and schedule future appointments here. Selecting Calendar from the side menu will open the calendar page.

Separate calendar pages for individual records can be found as a tab in the relevant record summary. The following record types have their own calendar pages:


Navigating the Calendar

The following options are available at the top of the calendar to navigate:

  • The < and > buttons can be used to move between days, weeks, or months, depending on the view you have chosen.

  • Today – Select this to return the calendar view to the current day.

  • Month/Week/Day – Here you can choose which unit to display on each page of the calendar.

  • Week List/Month List – Instead of a table view, these displays list all appointments within the current week or month.

Hovering over an appointment in the calendar will show the appointment Name and Time. Selecting the appointment will open the Appointment Preview window explained below.

Filtering the Calendar

The following searching and filtering options are available by default above the calendar. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

  • Title Search

  • Class – This indicates whether the event is a standard appointment or something else.

  • Type – This is a further level of specification based on the Class above.

Along with these, additional fields can be added by selecting More. Choosing a field will add it to the top bar, where it works like the filters explained above. The following fields are available:

  • Linked Applicant

  • Linked Learner

  • Linked Organisation

Displaying other Officer Calendars

When you first open the calendar, only appointments linked to your officer account will be shown. However, you can use the drop-down menu in the Calendars menu to add other officer accounts. Events linked to them in the calendar will then be colour-coded according to the officer list in the Calendars menu.

Once officers are in the list, the colour-coded buttons can be used to toggle visibility for their appointments. The Calendars menu can be collapsed using the < button.

Calendar Actions

Select Actions from the top-right of the calendar will display the following options:

Appointment Preview

Selecting an appointment in the calendar will open an Appointment Preview window. This window displays any details that have been recorded for the appointment, with options for further actions, as explained below.

Selecting the names of the Organiser, Attendees or Regarding records will open the corresponding record summary.

Appointment Preview Actions

The following actions are available from the Appointment Preview.

  • Status Change – Selecting the Status will open a drop-down menu where you can choose a new status.

  • Summary – Selecting Summary will take you to the corresponding Appointment Summary page.

  • Edit – Selecting > Edit will open a window where you can Edit the Appointment.

  • Delete – Selecting > Delete will remove the appointment. You will be prompted to confirm before the appointment is deleted.

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