Database Administrator Actions in PICSWeb

Database Administrator Actions in PICSWeb

If your user account has Database Administrator User Permissions, certain bulk processing actions are available for your records. These actions can be accessed from the following locations:

To show these actions, use the tickboxes at the left-hand side of the list to tick at least one record. The box at the top of the list can be used to select or deselect all currently displayed records.

The Database Admin Actions button will then appear. Selecting this will show the different bulk processing options available for the current record type. These processes will change the System Status of the selected records.

Reinstating Records

Reinstating records is used to restore records that have been Deleted or Archived (but cannot restore records that have been Permanently Deleted). As deleted and archived records will not be shown in default lists, you may need to add a System Status filter to the list from the More menu. Adding Deleted or Archived to the filter and selecting the Search icon will allow you to show the necessary records.

Once you have ticked all the records you would like to reinstate, select Database Admin Actions > Reinstate All. You will need to confirm your choice. Select Yes to continue.

You will be informed when the records have been successfully reinstated. Their System Status will be restored to Live.

Deleting Records

Deleting records is used to remove records that are not needed from your default lists. Any deleted records can be Reinstated later if necessary.

To delete records, select Database Admin Actions > Delete All. You will need to confirm your choice. Select Yes to continue.

You will be informed when the records have been successfully deleted. Their System Status will be set to Deleted.

Permanently Deleting Records

Permanently deleting records is an irreversible action. You will not be able to reinstate any permanently deleted records.

Deleting records is used to remove records entirely from PICSWeb. We suggest this is used for records entered in error that will never be needed again.

To permanently delete records, select Database Admin Actions > Permanent Delete All. You will need to confirm your choice. Select Yes to continue.

You will be informed when the records have been successfully deleted.

Archiving Records

Archiving a Deleted record will permanently delete them. You should instead Reinstate any deleted records before archiving them.

Archiving is only available for Learners, Applicants, Organisations and Officers. It is used to hide records that are no longer needed but may need to be referred to at a later date.

To archive records, select Database Admin Actions > Permanent Delete All. You will need to confirm your choice. Select Yes to continue.

You will be informed when the records have been successfully archived. Their System Status will be set to Archived and they will be hidden from the default record list.

Merging Records

Merging records is an irreversible action. You will not be able to recover records that have been discarded when merging.

Merging is only available for Organisations and Officers. It is used to combine records where duplicates have been entered in error. When merging, you will choose one record to keep. Any other records linked to the duplicates will then be transferred to the kept record.

To merge records, select Database Admin Actions > Merge Organisations/Officers. A window will open listing all the records to be merged.

In this window, you will need to choose which record to Keep. This record will have all linked records from the duplicate records transferred over. For example, all learners with a duplicate organisation set as their placement will have their placement changed to the kept organisation. All records that are not kept will then be permanently deleted.

Once you have chosen which record to keep, select Save to confirm. You will be informed when the records have been successfully merged.


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