Logging In to PICS

Logging In to PICS

If you are having trouble logging in, please refer to the PICS Login Troubleshooting page.

Logging In to PICS

When you open PICS in your browser, you will first be taken to the Login Page. To log in, you need to enter the Username and Password of your PICS User Account and select Log In. If you are the only PICS user on your machine, you may want to tick Keep me logged in.

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be taken to the PICS Home Page.

If you enter incorrect logon details five times in a row, the system will lock you out for 10 minutes. Note that this may not apply if your logon is handled via Single Sign On (SSO).

Resetting Your Password

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it from the Login Page. To do this, select Forget your Password?. This will take you to a page where you can enter the email address linked to your PICS user account.

Select Submit and an email will be sent to the address with a link to choose a new password.

Selecting Reset Password in this email will open a page in your browser where you will need to enter your Email, choose your New Password and Confirm the new password. After entering these details, select Reset to finish.



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