Multiply Adult Numeracy Programmes in PICSWeb

Multiply Adult Numeracy Programmes in PICSWeb

If your organisation is delivering Multiply Adult Numeracy programmes, you will need to ensure that the programme is captured correctly in the ILR. This page covers how to record your Multiply learners according to the specifications in the Provider Support Manual.

Recording Multiply Programmes

When recording a new Multiply Learner or Episode, the appropriate Programme to select is Other ESFA Adult (Non Funded).

This can be enabled from ‘Funding Organisations' in ‘Delivery’ configuration, by adding “Other SFA/EFA Programmes” to the list of ‘Programmes’ against the “Skills Funding Agency” Funding Organisation.

Multiply programmes are recorded as an ILR aim in the Learning Aims tab. The learning aim will need the following details set:

  • The Aim Type set to Aim

  • The Aim Reference set to the Multiply programme you are delivering - a full list of Multiply programmes with references is available in the Find a Learning Aim Service. If your learners is participating in a regulated numeracy course through Multiply, this should be recorded using the existing regulated learning aim codes.

  • The Funding Model set to 99

After adding the aim, you will also need to add an Aim FAM code of type LDM: Learning Delivery (any LDM number will work) and value 385: Multiply Programme.


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