Planned Learning Hours in the PICSWeb Learner ILR Summary

Planned Learning Hours in the PICSWeb Learner ILR Summary

If you are looking for the ILR Planned Hours field, this can be found in the ILR Data tab in the learner's Programme Aim Summary. The tab explained in this page is only available for learners whose programme does not require the ILR Planned Hours field.

Please refer to ESFA Guidance if you are unsure of what you need to record.

The Planned Learning Hours tab in the Learner ILR Summary shows the learning hours expected across their episode. If no planned hours have been recorded, you will be shown the message below, with the option to Add Planned Hours.

Selecting this will open a window where you can enter the Planned and EmployabilityEnrichment and Pastoral (EEP) hours for each year of the learner's current episode. The totals will update automatically as you complete each field. Once you have finished, select Save to add the hours or Cancel to discard them.

Your hours can then be viewed from the tab. The planned hours for the current episode will be shown first, with the total planned hours for all episodes displayed below.

Selecting Edit will open the window above for you to make any amendments.


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