ILR Data in the PICSWeb Learning Aim Summary

The ILR Data tab in the Learning Aim Summary shows the details for the aim that will be included in the ILR Export.

Programme Aim ILR Data

The following details are available for Programme Aims. Fields will only appear in the tab if information has been recorded for them.

  • Aim Type

  • Planned 

  • Delivery Location Postcode

  • Funding adjustment for prior learning â€“ This is a percentage value.

  • Other funding adjustment â€“ Unlike Funding Adjustment for Prior Learning, this is a value in pounds.

  • End Point Assessment (EPA) Organisation

  • Provider Monitoring fields â€“ Here you can specify up to four additional values to be included for the aim in the ILR Export.

Any obsolete values for previous ILR years covered by the aim will also be shown.

Other Aim ILR Data

The following details are available for any other aim types. Fields will only appear in the tab if information has been recorded for them.

  • Aim Type

  • Subcontracted or partnership UKPRN

  • Delivery Location Postcode

  • Learning Start Date Postcode

  • Additional Delivery Hours

  • Funding adjustment for prior learning â€“ This is a percentage value.

  • Other funding adjustment â€“ Unlike Funding Adjustment for Prior Learning, this is a value in pounds.

  • Contract Reference Number

  • End Point Assessment (EPA) Organisation

  • Provider Monitoring fields â€“ Here you can specify up to four additional values to be included for the aim in the ILR Export.

Any obsolete values for previous ILR years covered by the aim will also be shown.

Editing ILR Data

Selecting Edit will open a window where you can enter and edit the details listed above. Once you have finished, select Save to add your changes or Cancel to discard them.