Checking Access to Learner Records in PICSWeb

If you can access a learner record but other PICSWeb users cannot, the other users may not have the necessary permissions to view that record. The User Access Check can be run from any learner record to see whether a named user can access a learner, and if not, what permissions they need.

To run the check, open a Learner Summary and select Actions > User Access Check from the top-right of the page.

This will open a window showing some basic details for the learner and a field where you can search for the User whose access you want to check.

Once you have added the user, select Check. This will then show the criteria for accessing the learner, along with the Required Value for each field and whether the requirement has been met. If all criteria are Yes, the user will be able to view the learner. If any are No, you will need to change the relevant field to match the Required Value.