ILR Learner in the PICSWeb Learner ILR Summary
The ILR Learner tab in the Learner ILR Summary shows various details relating to the learner's ILR programme. If a value has not been entered when editing this page, the field will not be shown. The following details are shown:
Learner Reference Number – This number is for internal identifying use only. Selecting the Edit icon next to this field will open a window where you can change the number.
LRS Unique Learner Number – If you are licensed to use LRS Integration, you can Download the ULN for the learner from the LRS.
Postcode Prior to Enrolment
Telephone Number
Email Address – Selecting this will open a new email to the learner in your webmail service.
Date of Birth
National Insurance Number
Restricted Use Indicator – This specifies any types of contact that the learner has consented to.
Preferred Method of Contact – This specifies which of the accepted methods of contact the learner prefers.
Disability (Self Assessed) – This indicates whether or not the learner considers themselves to have a disability.
Learner with Learning Difficulties or Disabilities (LLDDs) – This shows any recorded learning difficulties or disabilities for the learner.
Primary LLDD
AS Cohort – This field is used to group learners for an Apprenticeship Service (AS) Export.
AS Status – This field indicates whether a learner is ready for, or has already been included in, an Apprenticeship Service (AS) Export.
GCSE Maths Grade
GCSE English Grade
Provider Specified Monitoring – Here you can enter up to two additional values that can be included in the ILR Export.
Learning Support Cost
Campus ID
Pre-merger UKPRN
UCAS Personal ID
Term Time Accomodation
HE Financial Support – If the learner is receiving any financial support for a Higher Education (HE) programme, you can specify the Cash, Near Cash, Accommodation Discount and Other values here.
Any other obsolete fields for previous ILR years covered by the learner’s programme will also be shown at the bottom of the page.
Editing ILR Learner Information
Selecting Edit will open a window where you can edit any of the details explained above. Once you have made your changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.