Creating an Apprenticeship Service Cohort Export in PICSWeb
The Apprenticeship Service allows providers to upload a CSV file containing details of a cohort of Learners so that they can confirm that they are engaging with the Training Provider. These learners can be from different employers.
The bulk upload can only be used for learners on Apprenticeship Standards.
The instructions in this page cover making sure your learners can be included in the export and producing the file from PICSWeb.
An ESFA Guide is available explaining the required format for the bulk upload file.
Viewing the Agreement ID
For a learner to be included in the export, they will need an AS Agreement ID recorded.
The AS Agreement ID is available in the the Employment Status record in a learner’s ILR Summary. Selecting … > Details by a status will open a window where you can view the ID, and selecting … > Edit will open a window where you can edit the ID.
The field is also available when entering a New Learner with Employed status and can be imported as part of a Learner Import or entered using Learner WebForms.
Viewing the AS Cohort Code
If one is recorded against a learner, the AS Cohort code field will be included against them in the export file. This field can then be used to export a specific cohort of learners from PICSWeb, as explained below. It is not mandatory to have this field set for the learner to be included.
The AS Cohort code in a learner record should match the code given to you by the Apprenticeship Service when you registered. This code is shown in the ILR Learner tab in the ILR Summary.
If necessary, you can change th