Enrolling Learners in OneFile with PICSWeb

Enrolling Learners in OneFile with PICSWeb

This feature is only available to users licensed for OneFile Integration.

Before you can upload learners to OneFile, you will need to follow the instructions to Enable the OneFile Integration in PICSWeb.

Learners can be uploaded to the OneFile ePortfolio from their learner record in PICSWeb. Qualification and progression data from OneFile will then be used to update the corresponding data fields in the PICSWeb record.

Uploading a Learner to OneFile

Do not try and enrol a learner who already has a OneFile record created, as this will result in a duplicate record being created in OneFile. Instead, match the learner record using the OneFile ID, as explained below.

A learner record can be uploaded to OneFile from their Delivery Plan. In the plan, the Learner Details section will display a link to Create in OneFile.

This will open the Create Learner in OneFile window, where you can preview which details will be used when the learner is created.

In this window, you can choose which OneFile Organisation to link to the OneFile learner. These organisations are maintained in OneFile and are not related to your organisation records in PICSWeb.

You will also be shown the OneFile Status of each qualification linked to the learner. This indicates whether or not the same qualification is available in OneFile. If it is not, the OneFile learner will not have the qualification linked.

If a qualification has multiple Pathways set within Onefile, you will be prompted to choose which pathway is appropriate using the drop-down menu seen in the screenshot below.

Similarly, if you are using Multiple OneFile Centres and a qualification is found in more than one centre, you will need to choose which from centre you want to link the qualification.

Select Create in OneFile to upload the learner. Once the learner has been uploaded, data will be refreshed in PICSWeb automatically once a day. As well as the automatic update, it is possible to perform a manual update for only one learner by going to their Delivery Plan and selecting Refresh with OneFile. The same data will be updated as in the automatic update.

Matching an Existing OneFile Learner to a New PICSWeb Record

If you have created a learner in OneFile before PICSWeb, you will need to manually match the new PICSWeb record to the OneFile learner before enrolling them. If you do not do this, a duplicate record will be created in OneFile.

To link the new learner, first find the ID code for the learner in OneFile. This is normally a 6-7 character value. Following this, open the PICSWeb learner’s Delivery Plan and select Manually Set OneFile ID. This will open a window where you can enter the ID code.

Select Save to update the OneFile ID. The next time the automatic synchronisation takes place, the PICSWeb record will be matched to the OneFile record and the necessary data will be imported as normal.

Editing the OneFile ID

Users with Database Administrator permissions will be able to update the OneFile User ID for a learner by selecting the red pencil icon next to the ID in the Delivery Plan.

You should only do this if we have advised you to. Once you have entered the new ID, select Save to apply the change.

Refreshing a Learner with OneFile

Once a learner in enrolled with OneFile, an option to manually Refresh with OneFile will be available above the OneFile ID in the Delivery Plan. Selecting this will synchronise the data between the two systems for the learner.

Before the refresh occurs, you will be shown a list of the learner’s Qualifications and whether they are available in OneFile. If any qualifications are newly available, the learner will be enrolled onto them in OneFile when you refresh.

Select Refresh to finish. After refreshing, you can select the View Last Refresh Log icon to view what data was exchanged during the most recent refresh.

Removing a Learner from OneFile

If a learner has been mistakenly uploaded to OneFile, it is possible to remove the link (but not delete the OneFile learner) by selecting Remove OneFile Link from the Delivery Plan. Make sure to read the warning before confirming that you want to remove the link. To confirm, select Yes, remove Link with OneFile.

This will remove the link. If you also want to delete the learner from OneFile, you will have to do this within OneFile.


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