Breaks in Learning in PICSWeb

Breaks in Learning in PICSWeb

PICSWeb can be used to take learner records on and off breaks in learning during their programme. This can be done for individual learners or multiple learners using the bulk update tool.

The PICSWeb break-in-learning process is also covered in our online Learner Management course.

Breaks in Learning for Individual Learners

Individual learners can be put on to a break-in-learning from their ILR Summary page.

Starting a Break-in-Learning

To put a learner onto a break-in-learning:

1. Open the ILR Summary and select Actions > Start Break-in-learning from the top-right corner of the page.

2. This will open a window where you can specify the Last Day in Learning for the learner. Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector. Any user-defined fields can also be completed here, such as Reason in the example below. User-defined fields are indicated with a  icon. 

The Last Day specified here will need to take place after the learner’s most recent Dated Change.

3. Once you have finished, select Save to confirm the break in learning or Cancel to discard it.

The learner's Programme Status will then change to Break-in-learning. This will be shown with a black flag in the Learner List. All ILR Aims will have their Completion Status set to 6: Temporarily Withdrawn from the Aim, with the Actual End date set to the start of the break.

Ending a Break-in-Learning

Once a learner has come back from a break-in-learning, you will need to add new Total Negotiated Prices in their ILR summaries.

These will be codes TNP 1 or 2, unless the learner has changed employer or the previous TNPs were residual costs, in which case the new ones will need to be TNP 3 and 4.

The TNP 1 should reflect the full cost of the training programme, whereas the TNP 3 (if returned) should reflect only the proportion of the training that has yet to be delivered.

To take a learner off their break-in-learning:

1. Return to their ILR Summary and select Actions > End Break-in-learning from the top-right corner of the page. This option will only be available once you have left and returned to the page after the break in learning has started.

2. This will open a window where you can view the Started date and enter the Ends date. Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector. Any user-defined fields can also be completed here. User-defined fields are indicated with a  icon.

3. Once you have finished, select Save to confirm the return or Cancel to discard it.

The learner's Programme Status will then change back to In Learning. All ILR Aims will be restarted, with the Expected End dates automatically extended by the duration of the break.

Cancelling a Break-in-Learning

This process should be used for breaks that were entered in error, or where a learner's break ends up being a full withdrawal from their programme.

Cancelling a break-in-learning will effectively undo the break, restoring the learner with no record of the break. This can only be done for individual learners. To cancel a break-in-learning:

1. Open the ILR Summary and select Actions > Cancel Break-in-Learning from the top-right corner of the page. This option will only be available once you have left and returned to the page after the break in learning has started.

2. This will open a window where you can amend any user-defined fields completed when the break was started. User-defined fields are indicated with a  icon. 

Once you have finished, select Save to confirm the cancellation or Cancel to discard it.

The learner's Programme Status will then change back to In Learning. All ILR Aims will be reopened.

Breaks in Learning for Multiple Learners

It is also possible to enter and return learners in bulk from breaks in learning. This is done from the Learner List.

Starting a Break-in-Learning

To put learners onto a break-in-learning:

1. In the Learner List, use the tickboxes at the left of the list to select the learners you want to put onto a break. The tickbox at the top of the list can be used to select all learners in the list.

2. Once you start selecting records, options will appear at the top of the list to Start and End breaks in learning. Select Start Break-in-learning.

3. This will open a window where you can specify the Last Day in Learning for the learners. Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector. Any user-defined fields you have added for breaks in learning will not be available in the bulk tool.

4. Once you have finished, select Start Break-in-learning to confirm the break or Cancel to discard it. You will be informed if any learners could not be processed for any reason. Once the changes have been made, you will be shown an option to Refresh Learner list to reflect the changes.

The Programme Status for each specified learner will then change to Break-in-learning. This will be shown with a black flag in the Learner List. All ILR Aims will have their Completion Status set to 6: Temporarily Withdrawn from the Aim, with the Actual End date set to the start of the break.

Ending a Break-in-Learning

To take learners off a break-in-learning:

1. In the Learner List, use the tickboxes at the left of the list to select the learners you want to take off a break. These learners should all have the Break in learning flag shown by their name. The tickbox at the top of the list can be used to select all learners in the list.

2. Once you start selecting records, options will appear at the top of the list to Start and End breaks in learning. Select End Break-in-learning.

3. This will open a window where you can specify the Break-in-learning Ends date for the learners. Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector. Any user-defined fields you have added for breaks in learning will not be available in the bulk tool.

4. Once you have finished, select End Break-in-learning to confirm the return or Cancel to discard it. You will be informed if any learners could not be processed for any reason. Once the changes have been made, you will be shown an option to Refresh Learner list to reflect the changes.

The Programme Status for each specified learner will then change back to In Learning. All ILR Aims will be restarted, with the Expected End dates automatically extended by the duration of the break.

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