Using the PICSWeb OneFile Integration with Multiple OneFile Centres

Using the PICSWeb OneFile Integration with Multiple OneFile Centres

If you are using multiple Centres in OneFile, the matching process for PICSWeb Officers and Organisations works differently. Instead of matching records between the two systems using the OneFile ID field, we use the OneFile MIS Value field.

This means that you will need to make sure that the OneFile MIS Values for your Placements and Assessors (in all centres) match the corresponding PICSWeb Ident codes before you start using the integration.

If the MIS Values are not set up correctly, duplicate records will be created in OneFile when you try and synchronise with PICSWeb.

Setting MIS Values in OneFile

To set the correct MIS Values in OneFile, first make a note of the neccesary Ident codes for your Officers and Organisations in PICSWeb. These codes are displayed above the display image in the Officer Summary and Organisation Summary.

You will then need to enable MIS Values in OneFile. This setting is found in the Centre > Settings > MIS Values section. In here, make sure that Enable MIS value fields is ticked.

Once this is switched on, you can enter MIS Values for your officers and organisations.

For officers, The MIS Value field is found in the Account > User Information section of the Assessor record in OneFile.

For organisations, The MIS Value field is found in the Placement Details section of the Placement record in OneFile.

Using Multiple Centres in PICSWeb

Once you have entered all the necessary MIS Values, you can Enable the OneFile Integration. When you Enrol a Learner, the linked officer and organisation details will be matched to any OneFile records with the same MIS Values. If no match is found, a new record will be created in OneFile.

Full details of the data that will be uploaded for your officers and organisations can be found in the full Data Exchange page.