LRS Integration in PICSWeb

LRS Integration in PICSWeb

LRS integration is a separately licensed module. To use it, you will need to have either of the following:

  • The LRS licence on our old licensing structure.

  • The Silver or higher tier on our SaaS licensing structure (to use LRS with applicants you will need the Platinum tier).

A free Integrations in PICSWeb course is available from our Course Library, featuring a video on LRS integration.

PICSWeb can integrate with the Learning Records Service (LRS) to synchronise Unique Learner Number (ULN) and Personal Learning Record (PLR) data for your learners and applicants. This will allow you to include the correct ULNs for your learners in ILR exports and view any prior qualifications that they have achieved.

LRS data can be synchronised in the following locations:

Selecting Integrations > LRS from the Configuration section of the side menu will take you to the LRS Summary page, where you can set up and manage your integration with the LRS.

Integration Status

The integration status section displays the following details. These can be changed in the Integration Settings described below.

  • Integration Enabled

  • Organisation ID

  • Import new PLR qualification titles, levels and grades with Dormant status

  • Test Web Service Connection – Selecting this will open a window where you can view whether or not your connection to the LRS is working. If not, the error message will offer an explanation where possible.

Integration Information

The main section of the LRS summary explains how the integration works, with links to the LRS website and web application form.

Integration Settings

Selecting Settings from the top-right corner of the page will open a window where you can edit the following details. Once you have made any changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.

  • Integration Enabled – This will need to be switched on to enable the integration.

  • Organisation ID – This is the 6-character ‘Organisation Reference’ number found in your LRS account in the User Management > Find User page. You will need to enter this to enable the integration.

  • Current Password

  • New Password – This is the 16-character password you gave on the original integration application form. You will need to enter this to enable the integration. You can also enter a new password here if you want to change the Current Password.

  • Import new PLR qualification titles, levels and grades with Dormant status – If this is switched on, any Prior Qualifications, Levels and Grades that are imported from the LRS that do not have matching items in PICSWeb basedata will have their Status set to Dormant by default.


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