PICS for the 2021/22 ILR Year
This page outlines the key changes in the new versions of Desktop PICS and PICSWeb for the 2021/22 ILR year. A full list of changes is available in our training guide available below:
Prior Attainment
Prior Attainment capture is changing from a single field in the learner record to a New Entity which includes a New Field indicating the date which the prior attainment applies from. With the new structure, a learner will be able to have a prior attainment level recorded at the beginning of each programme. The ESFA are at the same time introducing new codes for prior attainment level. We will be able to convert the old values to the new values for any of your learners already on programme.
Employment Status Monitoring
A new code for Employment Status Monitoring Type is being added. The new code "OET" will capture "other types of employment status such as redundancy".
Source of Funding (SOF) Codes
Two new Source of Funding (SOF) codes have been added for two devolved AEB regions being introduced this year:
West Yorkshire
South Yorkshire
Upgrading to the New Version
If you are a hosted customer, or use PICSWeb, then we will perform the upgrade to the new version of PICS for you on the 13th August 2021. If you are still using desktop, and host your own software, then you will need to follow the instructions on Upgrading to The New Version of PICS.