PICS for the 2024/25 ILR Year

This page outlines the key changes in the new version of PICSWeb for the 2024/25 ILR year, in keeping with the changes to the ILR Specification. This update will be released over the weekend of 10th August.

New Funding Models

Two new funding models: FM11 & FM38

  • ILR Learning Aim 'Planned Hours', which were previously limited to "ZPROG001" ILR Programme Aims only, are now a collection requirement for FM11 learning aims. Funding model 11 (Tailored Learning) is a replacement for FM10 (Community Learning).

  • Funding Model 38 (Adult Skills Fund) is a replacement for Funding Model 35 (Adult Skills)

  • Both funding models are for new starters in 2024/25 only. Therefore, no change in funding models is required on any existing aims continuing from 2023/24 at year end.


ILR Changes

While this is overall a year of minimal change for the ILR Specification, we have identified a few changes that we think are worth highlighting:

  • A new Tailored Learning Outcomes field has been added to aims. The purpose of this is to capture outcomes for the new Tailored Learning programme which replaces Community Learning.

  • The 'Employment Outcome' field has been removed. The ILR 'Destination and Progression' section shall continue to be available in PICSWeb for data capture and internal reporting, but will no longer be exported on the ILR from 2024/25 onwards.

  • Traineeships (Programme Type 24) have been removed from the ILR. As a result of this, there should be no residual learners left in learning after 31/07/2024.

  • An extra OET (Other Employment Type) code has been added - 4: Employment outcome gained on eligible funded programme. Therefore, an extra field to store this data will be required as PICS currently only allow two values at once.

  • T Levels are no longer need to have a Framework and Pathway code allocated.

Cross-Year Working

The guidance below offers some general guidance on working across contract years in PICS. If you need help with any of this guidance, please Contact our Support Team.

ILR Imports

In the new year version of PICS, PICS Imports will populate the new year data values but not any equivalent fields in the old year for starts prior to 1st August. The old year values must be entered manually into the new record. If possible we recommend that you import all learner data for the old year before the upgrade takes place.

ILR Submissions

You will be able to make ILR submissions for the previous ILR year up until 6.00pm on the 17th October 2024.

After the new year begins, the ILR Exporter will allow you to create ILR files for the previous Contract Year, which you can submit as required. We recommend that you submit a final ILR file for the previous year in October so that the year is closed with your latest information.

ILR Funding

The Funding Calculator and Funding Reconciliation Tools all have options to choose which Contract Year you are running them for.

Remember to Refinal period 12 in the Funding Calculator for the previous contract year each time you submit a new ILR data file for that year.

ILR Planned Learning/EEP Hours

When a learner has multiple episodes in an academic year, planned hours will be aggregated across all of them.

You should enter the hours for each episode for each year and PICS will aggregate them. It is important when creating a new episode for an existing learner that you use the Actions > Create Episode option from the Other Episodes tab in the Learner Summary. This ensures the episodes are linked - please Get in Touch for guidance on fixing any duplicate client records.

To enter planned hours for the new year, go to the Planned Learning Hours tab in the Learner ILR Summary. Select Edit to enter the planned hours and Save to confirm them.

ILR Exports and Funding Calculator

The video below from our training team covers how to manage ILR exports and funding calculations through the cross-year period.


Changes to PICSWeb Reporting Fields

With the ILR & Funding changes this also means changes to our reporting fields within PICSWeb. Whilst the fields themselves will not change, the underpinning data may change to reflect the new academic year.


Type (Filter/Output/Other)




Type (Filter/Output/Other)



Apprenticeship Accountability Report



Report includes any aims where the report date is in 2024 and ExportIn_2024 = Always

Course Session Attendance Report

Course Session Attendance Summary Report


  • Episode Planned Learning / EEP Hours (various years)

  • Learner Planned Learning / EEP Hours (various years)

Current year fields now load from 2024 fields

2024/2024 fields (previous and next) now replaced by 2023/2025.

ILR Learner Report


Learner FAM Type / Value

Annual learner FAMs now use 2024 field for filter

ILR Learner Report


Has Aim Exported in Years

Now allows selection of 2024

ILR Learner Report


Prior Year Learner Reference Number

Prior Year UKPRN

Uses 2023 field

ILR Learner Report


  • Episode Planned Learning / EEP Hours (various years)

  • Learner Planned Learning / EEP Hours (various years)

Current year fields now load from 2024 fields

2024/2024 fields (previous and next) now replaced by 2023/2025.

ILR Learner Report


  • Learner FAMs

  • Accommodation

  • English/Maths Grade

  • HE Financials

Annual fields now use 2024 values

ILR Aim FAMs Report


FAM Types

Report now filters to wanted FAM types with a current or 2023 value

ILR Aim FAMs Report


FAM Historic Value (& Code)

Outputs 2023 value

ILR Aim FAMs Report


Aim can be Exported in Current Year

Filters using EXPORTIN_2024

ILR Aim FAMs Report


Has Aim Exported in Years

Now allows selection of 2024

ILR Aim FAMs Report


Learner FAM Type / Value

Annual learner FAMs now use 2024 field for filter

ILR Aims Report


Aim can be Exported in Current Year

Filters using EXPORTIN_2024

ILR Aims Report


Has Aim Exported in Years

Now allows selection of 2024

ILR Aims Report


Learner FAM Type / Value

Annual learner FAMs now use 2024 field for filter

ILR Aims Report


Aim Sequence

Outputs 2024 value

ILR Aims Report


  • Export in 2022/2023

  • Last Export in 2022/2023

Renamed and updated to use 2023/2024 fields.

ILR Aims Report


  • Aim Partner UKPRN Prior Year

  • Aim Prior Year Partner Name

Now uses 2023 field

ILR Earning Adjustments Report


Learner FAM Type / Value

Annual learner FAMs now use 2024 field for filter

ILR Employment Statuses Report


Learner FAM Type / Value

Annual learner FAMs now use 2024 field for filter

ILR Aim HE Report


Aim can be Exported in Current Year

Filters using EXPORTIN_2024

ILR Aim HE Report


Learner FAM Type / Value

Annual learner FAMs now use 2024 field for filter

ILR Aim HE Report


  • UCASTypeofInstanceYear

  • ModeOfStudy

  • CompletionOfYear

  • StudentInstanceFTE

  • YearOfStudent

  • PercentageNotTaughtByThisInstitution

  • NetTuitionFee

  • GrossTuitionFee

  • Aim Sequence

Fields now use 2024 fields

QAR Report


  • HNS

  • FME

Fields now use 2024 fields