Learner Scope Item Summary in PICSWeb
The guidance in this page refers to the summary for an instance of the scope item for an individual learner. For the general scope item summary in your PICSWeb basedata, please refer to the Scope Item Summary page.
Selecting a scope item in the Target Scope tab in the Learner Delivery Plan will open the learner scope item summary. This shows further details of the learner’s progression through the scope item and contains any supporting evidence files.
The learner scope item summary is made up of three tabs:
Scan Results – This shows the results of all Target Scans that have included the scope item.
Components – This shows a list of Components which have been linked to the scope item in the Component Summary in Target Configuration.
Evidence – This shows a list of evidence files that have been uploaded in support of the scope item.
Learner Details
The following details for the learner are shown at the left-hand side of the page:
Display Picture – Selecting this will open your file browser, where you can search for a new picture if necessary.
Full Name
Email Address – Selecting this will open a new email to the learner in your web email server.
Risk Band – This indicates the level of risk associated with the learner, ranging from green (low-risk) to yellow (medium-risk) and red (high-risk). A grey dot means that no risk level has been set.
Workflow – If the learner has been attached to a Workflow, the current status will be shown here. You can select this to change the status. If no workflow has been added, a button to Select Workflow will be shown.
Tags – Any Tags that have been added to the learner will be shown here. You can select the X within a tag to remove it, or select the + icon to add new tags.
Scope Details
The section underneath the learner details displays the Title and Type of the scope item.