Target Scope in the PICSWeb Learner Delivery Plan

Target Scope in the PICSWeb Learner Delivery Plan

This section is only available if you have the eAssessor licence for PICSWeb Portfolio.

If your learner is linked to a Target, the Target Scope tab in the Learner Delivery Plan displays the Scope Items linked to the target as well as the results of their Target Scans.

Scope items are divided into sections for Knowledge, Skills, Behaviours and Other. For each scope item, the following details are shown:

  • Code

  • Title – Selecting this will open the corresponding Learner Scope Item Summary.

  • Evidence Files – This icon indicates how many evidence files have been attached to the scope item. Selecting this will open the Evidence tab in the corresponding Learner Scope Item Summary.

  • Percentage achievement – This is defined by the Stage chosen for the item in the most recent Target Scan.

Scan Results

As well as a list of scope items, the target scope tab displays the results for the most recent Target Scan for Knowledge, Skills, Behaviours and Other scope items. The results are displayed in a diagram with a corner for each scope item in the category and points showing the stage reached by the learner.

Hovering over each point in the diagram will display the exact result for the individual scope item.

Setting up stages for each scope item is explained in the Scope Item Summary page.

Depending on your choices when filtering the scope list, a second shape in a fainter colour will show the results achieved in either the Initial or Previous target scan for you to compare against the most recent one.

Filtering the Scope List

The following searching and filtering options are available by default above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

  • Assessment Results – Here you can specify whether the scan results are shown for the Assessor, Learner or Employer answers.

  • Compared to – Here you can specify whether the scan results diagrams display the Initial Answers or Previous Answers to compare against the most recent scan results.

  • Score – Here you can filter the scope items to only show those with a score of 0%, between 1-99%, or 100%.

  • Has Evidence – Here you can filter the scope items to only show those with or without Evidence files attached.

Exporting the Scope List

Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Linking a Learner to a Target

If you have not yet linked the learner to a target, this tab will instead show a button to Select Target.

Selecting this will open a window where you can search for a Target to add. Only targets that are set up for the same Standard or Framework as the learner will be shown in this list.

Once you have made your choice, select Save to add the target or Cancel to discard it.


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