Files in the PICSWeb Learner Summary

Files in the PICSWeb Learner Summary

The Files tab in the Learner Summary shows any files that have been uploaded for the learner. For each file, the following details are shown:

  • Title

  • Date

  • Type

  • File Type – This is a custom value used to categorise files uploaded to PICSWeb records. Types are maintained in the File Types section of List and Type Configuration.

  • Expires

  • Officer – Selecting this will open the corresponding Officer Summary.

Filtering the File List

The options to filter the file list by File Type and Number of Records are available from above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Exporting the File List

Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Uploading a New File

If you are a WebForms user, you can upload a new file against the learner using the Learner File WebForm. If you have available learner file WebForms, the Upload File button will be replaced by an Actions button, which will display two options:

  • Upload File

  • Create File WebForm

Selecting Upload File in the files tab will open a window where you can upload a new file. In this window, you can enter the following details:

  • Title

  • File Type

  • Expires – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • File – Here you can either drag and drop a file into the field or select it to open a window where you can browse for the file.


Once you have finished, select Save to upload the file or Cancel to discard it. Further details can be added by editing the file record as explained below.

Editing Files

Selecting ... > Edit by a files in the list will open a window where you can edit the following details:

  • Title

  • File Type

  • Date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Type

  • Expires – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Officer – Here you can search the drop-down menu to specify the Officer responsible for the file.

  • Visible to Learner – If this is set to Yes, a learner will be able to view and download the file from their PICSWeb login.

  • Description

Once you have finished, select Save to confirm your changes.

File Actions

As well as uploading and editing, the following actions are available from the files tab:

  • Details – Selecting ... > Details by a file in the list will open a window where you can view all details recorded for the file. The information shown here will depend on which fields have been completed in the edit window explained above. Links are available in this window to Edit or Download the file.

  • Download – Selecting ... > Download by a file in the list will download a copy of the attached file.

  • Delete – Selecting ... > Delete by a file in the list will delete the file from PICSWeb. You will be prompted to confirm before the file is deleted.

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