Dated Changes in the PICSWeb Learner Summary

Dated Changes in the PICSWeb Learner Summary

The Dated Changes tab in the Learner Summary shows changes with dated history recorded. This tab will show any Break-in-Learning changes as well as any changes made in this tab to the learner’s Expected End Date, Main Officer (labelled in the screenshot as Training Adviser) and Subcontractor.

For each change, the following details are shown:

  • Valid From date

  • Valid To date

  • Break-in-Learning – This indicates whether the learner is on a Break-in-Learning after the change has been completed.

  • Expected End date

  • Main Officer

  • Subcontractor – This column will only appear if you have subcontractor organisations in your basedata and have recorded at least one change of subcontractor in this tab.

  • Changed – This shows the date the change was recorded and PICSWeb user who recorded it.



Adding a New Dated Change

Selecting Create will open a window where you can enter the following details for your new dated change. All values in this window (apart from Valid From) will be defaulted to the current values that exist in the learner record.

  • Valid From date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector. This date cannot be set before the Valid From date of the most recent dated change.

  • Episode Expected End – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Main Officer – Here you can search the drop-down menu for a new Officer to link as the main officer.

  • Subcontractor – Here you can search the drop-down menu for an Organisation with the role Subcontractor to set as the new subcontractor. This field is only shown if you have subcontractor organisations in your basedata.

Once you have finished, select Save. The change will be enacted and recorded in the tab.

Deleting Dated Changes

You should not delete a dated change that put a learner onto a Break-in-Learning. Instead, you should Cancel the Break in Learning.

You can delete the most recent dated change by selecting … > Delete by it in the list. This will revert the learner’s dated change details back to the previous dated change.

If deleting the change will return the learner to being on a Break-in-Learning, you will be shown the following options to delete any reinstated records that were created after the break-in-learning ended.

  • Delete ILR Aims

  • Delete ILR TNPs

  • Delete ILR PMRs

  • Delete Planned Reviews

After ticking any necessary options, select Delete to confirm.