Creating a Cognassist Account for a Learner in PICSWeb
This feature is only available to users who are licensed for Cognassist Integration. If you are already licensed, you will need to Contact Us to have the integration enabled in PICSWeb.
If you have Enabled the Cognassist Integration, you can create Cognassist accounts for your Learners and Applicants from PICSWeb.
Cognassist integration does not create a Officer / Assessor account. If required, these must be created separately within Cognassist.
To do this for a learner, go to the Learner Details section in a Learner Summary and scroll to the Cognassist field. select Create in Cognassist, a new modal will display to display and confirm the required information is present to create the learner in Cognassist.
Please be mindful that in order for a learner / applicant to be successfully created in cognassist. An Officer / Assessor must be linked to this learner.
If all required information is present, click Create in Cognassist and the learner will be created. If you have the option to send a welcome email once created then the learner will receive a welcome email from Cognassist with the login credentials supplied.