Funding Late Notified Report in PICSWeb
The Funding Late Notified Report compares two periods processed in the Funding Calculator to identify any entities that have been entered after the relevant period has ended. For example, if a learner ended their programme in one period but this was not entered into PICSWeb until a later period, this report will identify the discrepancy between the values in the funding report generated when the earlier period was finalled and the actual funding values.
Report Options
The following customisation options are available. The two Comparison Periods you select must have been Finalled in the Funding Calculator, and must be from the same ILR year.
First Comparison Period
Second Comparison Period
Learner Status – Here you can restrict the report to funding items for learners with the specified statuses. You can add multiple statuses to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon.
Learner Tags – Here you can restrict the report to funding items for learners with specific Tags. Choosing a tag from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple tags to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon. The following tag options are available:
Any – This will restrict the report to learners that have at least one of the specified tags.
All – This will restrict the report to learners that have every specified tag.
None – This will restrict the report to learners that do not have any of the specified tags.
Sites – Here you can restrict the report to funding items for learners linked to specific Sites.
Qualification Plan – Here you can restrict the report to funding items for learners linked to a specific Qualification Plan.
Contract – Here you can restrict the report to funding items for learners linked to a specific Contract.
Programme – Here you can restrict the report to funding items for learners enrolled on a specific programme.
Funding Organisation – Here you can restrict the report to funding items for learners linked to a specific funding organisation
Break-in-Learning – Here you can choose whether to include funding items for learners on a Break in Learning. You can choose whether to include All Learners, Exclude those on a break in learning, or restrict the report to Only learners on a break in learning.
Report Output
The funding late notified report consists of a single sheet listing all funding items with differences between the two comparison periods. Where possible, the Notes column will also explain the reason for the discrepancy. The following reasons can be given:
Late entry of end of training – When funding has changed due to learner’s end date being entered late.
Late entry of start of training – When funding has changed due to a learner’s start date being entered late.
Late reversal of end of training – When the period of the learner’s end date was changed, or the end date removed, after the earlier comparison period had been finalled.
Late reversal of start of training – When the period of the learner’s start date was changed after the earlier comparison period has been finalled.
Blank – Not related to a change or late entry of the learner’s start or end dates.