Learner Claim History Summary Report in PICSWeb

Learner Claim History Summary Report in PICSWeb

The Learner Claim History Summary Report produces a summary of learner’s claim history items divided into funding periods, unlike the Learner Claim History Report, which produces a list of individual claim items.

Report Options

The following customisation options are available:

  • Learners Report Type – This controls which date is used in the learner record to determine whether claim items for that learner are included in the report or not. Four types are available:

    • In learning between dates will include any learners that are in learning for any time within the date range.

    • Starters between dates will include any learners whose Start Date falls within the date range.

    • Leavers between dates will include any learners whose Actual End Date falls within the date range.

    • Created between dates will include any learners whose Created date (indicating when they were entered into PICSWeb) falls within the date range.

    • Expected End between dates will include any learners whose Expected End Date falls within the date range.

    • Leavers or Expected End between dates will include any learners whose Expected End Date or Actual End Date falls within the date range.

    • All will include all learners.

  • Learners From and To – Here you can specify the date range that will determine which learners will have their claims included in the report. You can either choose a Fixed Date and choose the relevant dates from the calendar date selector, or choose one of the relative values such as TodayStart of WeekStart of Month or others. If you choose a relative value, it is possible to add a positive or negative Offset value, which will adjust the date by the specified number of weeks. For example, choosing End of Week with a +1 Weeks Offset value will run the report from the end of the next week.

  • Claims From and To – This date range controls which claims will be included for the learners included in the report. Setting this date range up works in the same way as the learner date range explained above.

  • Show employer earned payments instead of PMR based claims – This setting controls which employer claim items are shown in the report. If the option is ticked, the report will show claim items for Employer Earned payments. If it is unticked, the report will show claim items for the Actual Employer payments, based on the PMRs recorded for the relevant learners.

  • Exclude FM36 Employer Incentives – If this is ticked, any Employer Incentive claims for FM36 programmes will not be included in the report.

  • Distribute FM25 Totals by Period – If this is ticked, the annual total for FM25 claims will be divided into different funding periods.

  • Learner Status – Here you can restrict the report to claims for learners with specific statuses. Choosing a status from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple statuses to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon.

  • Learner Tags – Here you can restrict the report to claims for learners with specific Tags. Choosing a tag from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple tags to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon. The following tag options are available:

    • Any – This will restrict the report to learners that have at least one of the specified tags.

    • All – This will restrict the report to learners that have every specified tag.

    • None – This will restrict the report to learners that do not have any of the specified tags.

  • Sites – Here you can restrict the report to claims for learners linked to specific Sites. Choosing a site from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple sites to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon.

  • Qualification Plans – Here you can restrict the report to claim items for learners with specific Qualification Plans linked. Choosing a plan from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple plans to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon. The following plan options are available:

    • Any Of – This will restrict the report to learners that have at least one of the specified plans linked.

    • None Of – This will restrict the report to learners that do not have any of the specified plans linked.

    • Is Blank – This will restrict the report to learners with no plans linked.

    • Not Blank – This will restrict the report to learners with at least one plan linked.

  • Contracts – Here you can restrict the report to claim items for learners linked to specific Contracts. Choosing a contract from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple contracts to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon. The following contract options are available:

    • Any Of – This will restrict the report to learners that have at least one of the specified contracts linked.

    • None Of – This will restrict the report to learners that do not have any of the specified contracts linked.

    • Is Blank – This will restrict the report to learners with no contracts linked.

    • Not Blank – This will restrict the report to learners with at least one contract linked.

  • Programme – Here you can restrict the report to claims for learners enrolled on specific programmes. You can add multiple programmes to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon.

  • Funding Organisation – Here you can restrict the report to claims for learners funded by specific funding organisations. You can add multiple funding organisations to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon.

  • Officer – Here you can restrict the report to learners linked to a specific Officer via a specific Relationship.

  • Officer Tags – Here you can restrict the report to learners linked to Officers with specific Tags.

  • Organisation – Here you can restrict the report to learners linked to a specific Organisation via a specific Relationship.

  • Past Expected End – If this is ticked, claims for learners that have passed their Expected End Date will be included.

  • On Break-in-Learning – If this is ticked, claims for learners that are marked as on a Break in Learning will be included.

  • Learner Export Status – Here you can restrict the learners included in the report according to their Export Status.

  • Learner Subcontracted Status – Here you can restrict the learners included in the report according to their Subcontractor arrangements. The following options are available:

    • All Learners – This will include claims for learners who are both taught directly and through subcontractors.

    • Non-subcontracted Learners – This will only include claims for learners that are taught directly.

    • All Subcontracted Learners – This will only include claims for learners that are taught through subcontractors.

    • Only for Specified Subcontractor – This will only include claims for learners taught through a specific subcontractor organisation. You can specify which organisation using the Subcontractor field below.

  • Subcontractor – If you have set the Learner Subcontractor Status to Only for Specified Subcontractor, you can specify the Subcontractor Organisation from the drop-down menu.

  • Calculation Basis – Here you can choose whether to use ESFA Rates to calculate claim values or to apply any relevant Subcontractor Rates that you have recorded in PICSWeb 

Report Output

The learner claim history summary report consists of a single sheet listing all included learners and their claims by period. Along with some learner details and claim details, any Optional Fields chosen when building the report will be included as additional columns. 

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