Enrolling Learners in Smart Assessor with PICSWeb

Enrolling Learners in Smart Assessor with PICSWeb

This feature is only available to users licensed for Smart Assessor Integration.

Before you can upload learners to Smart Assessor, you will need to follow the instructions to Enable the Smart Assessor Integration in PICSWeb.

Learners can be uploaded to the Smart Assessor ePortfolio from their learner record in PICSWeb. Qualification and progression data from Smart Assessor will then be used to update the corresponding data fields in the PICSWeb record.

To do this, go to the learner’s Delivery Plan. At the bottom of the learner details section on the left-hand side of the page will be a link to Create in Smart Assessor. If the learner has already been enrolled, their Smart Assessor details will be displayed here instead.

Selecting this will open a window showing which learner details will be sent to Smart Assessor. The following details will be sent:

  • Full Name

  • Email

  • Start Date

  • Qualifications – This lists the Reference codes and Titles for all Qualifications linked to the learner. The Smart Assessor Status column indicates whether or not the qualification is available in Smart Assessor for the learner.

After checking the details, select Create in Smart Assessor. A record will be created for the learner, enrolled onto all of their PICSWeb qualifications that are available in Smart Assessor.

If the Send Learner Welcome Email setting is switched on in Smart Assessor Integration Settings, the learner will be sent an email with a welcome message and a link to log in to their new Smart Assessor account.

A full list of all data that is sent to Smart Assessor when a learner is enrolled, including qualification, organisation and officer fields, is available in the Data Exchange page.

Manually Editing the Learner Smart Assessor ID

In some circumstances you may need to manually change the learner’s Portfolio ID. This can be done from PICSWeb, but only should be used if you have consulted with us first.

To edit the ID, select Manually Set Smart Assessor ID from t