Editing Learner Reviews in PICSWeb

If you have requested or completed any Signatures for the review, you will no longer be able to edit it. Instead, you will have to Clone the review and make your changes to the new version.

Selecting Actions > Edit from the top-right corner in a Review Summary will open a window where you can edit certain fields. 

The following fields are available to edit:

  • Proposed Date â€“ Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Proposed Time

  • Attended Value â€“ Once the review has passed, you can specify whether the learner attended or what type of absence theirs was.

  • Actual Date â€“ This is the date that the review actually happened, as opposed to the date that had been proposed for it. Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Adjust Future Dates – If the Actual Date is different to the Proposed Date, you can tick this option to adjust the Proposed Dates of all future reviews to preserve the original gap between reviews.

  • Reviewer – This is the staff member responsible for the review. This field contains a drop-down menu of Officers to link. A search bar is available at the top of the menu.

  • Mentor â€“ This is the staff member linked as the learner's mentor. This field contains a drop-down menu of Officers to link. A search bar is available at the top of the menu.

  • Progress Notes

  • Actions/Targets Notes

  • Mentor's Comments

  • Qualification/Milestone Notes

  • Learner's Comments

  • Learner Safe Notes

  • Learner Needs Notes

  • Learner Support Notes

  • Health and Safety Notes

  • Employer Feedback

  • Equality and Diversity Notes

Once you have finished, the following options are available:

  • Save – This will save the changes you have made and return you to the review list or summary.

  • Save and Clone New – This will save the changes you have made and open a new window where you can Clone the Review.

  • Cancel – This will discard the changes you have made.