Communications in the PICSWeb Applicant Summary

Communications in the PICSWeb Applicant Summary

It is possible to Automate Communications to learners in PICS configuration.

The Communications tab in the Applicant Summary shows any phone calls or emails involving the applicant. A full list of communications involving the Officer linked to your user account can be found in the main Communications page on the side menu. For each communication, the following details are shown:

  • Incoming or Outgoing – A  icon indicates an incoming communication, whereas a  icon indicates an outgoing communication.

  • Message Type – This icon indicates whether the communication is an Email, Call or SMS.

  • Subject – Selecting this will open the Communication Summary.

  • Tags – Selecting the  icon will expand a list of Tags attached to the communication. You can select the X within a tag to remove it, or select the + icon to add new tags.

  • From – Selecting this will take you to the corresponding record summary page.

  • To – Selecting this will take you to the corresponding record summary page.

  • Regarding – Selecting this will take you to the corresponding record summary page.

  • When – This is the date and time that the communication was made.