LRS Details in the PICSWeb Applicant Summary
LRS integration is a separately licensed module. To use it, you will need to have either of the following:
The LRS licence on our old licensing structure.
The Silver or higher tier on our SaaS licensing structure (to use LRS with applicants you will need the Platinum tier).
The LRS tab shows details from the corresponding applicant record in the government Learning Records Service (LRS). This includes the applicant’s Unique Learner Number (ULN).
Searching for LRS Details
If the applicant has not yet been linked to an LRS record, the tab will display a button to Search the LRS for a ULN.
Selecting this button will open a window where you can view the details that will be used to search the LRS for a match. If you are happy with these details, select Search to run the LRS search.
If any results are found, they will be shown in the next window. For each result, the Name and ULN will be shown. Selecting a name will expand the item to show more details found in the LRS.
If the correct record has shown up in the search, select Select this ULN by the item in the results list to add the ULN and other LRS details to the PICSWeb learner record.
If a match is found but some details are different, you will be given the option to update the LRS field with the PICS data. Select Continue to update the fields.