Application Summary in PICSWeb
On This Page
Selecting the ... icon next to an application in the Application List and selecting Summary will open the Application Summary page.
Application Details
The summary page contains any details that have been added to the application in the Edit Window. If no value has been added for a field, it will not be shown in the details section. Any completed User-Defined Fields will also be shown in this section.
Application Activities
Selecting Actions > Create Interview will open the Create Appointment window. The following details will be populated from the application:
- The Officer associated with your user account will be set as the Organiser.
- The Organisation linked as the employer for the Vacancy will be set as the Location.
- The Applicant making the application will be set as an Attendee.
- The Regarding field will contain the current application.
Other Information
The remaining details for the application are found in the various tabs in the summary page. The following tabs are available: