Opportunity Summary in PICSWeb

Opportunity Summary in PICSWeb

Selecting the ... icon next to an Opportunity in the Opportunity List and selecting Summary or selecting the opportunity's name will open the Opportunity Summary page. The name of the opportunity will be temporarily added to the side menu, meaning that you can quickly return to the record if you navigate away from it.

Opportunity Details

The summary page contains the following details for the opportunity, as well as any details that have been added to the opportunity in the Edit Window. If no value has been added for a field, it will not be shown in the details section. 

  • Title

  • Class

  • Tags – Any Tags that have been added to the opportunity will be shown here. You can select the X within a tag to remove it, or select the + icon to add new tags.

  • Status – You can use the drop-down menu here to change the status of the opportunity. Selecting the 

    workflow icon will display the Workflow linked to the opportunity. If the opportunity has not yet been put onto a workflow, select the Select Workflow button to Choose a Workflow.

  • Owner – This is the internal staff member responsible for the opportunity. Selecting this will open the corresponding Officer Summary.

  • Created Date and Time

Any User-Defined Fields will also be shown in this section.

Opportunity Activities

Selecting Actions > Create Appointment Regarding will open the Create Appointment window. The Officer associated with your user account will be set as the Organiser, and the Regarding field will contain the current opportunity.

Linking Records to an Opportunity

Selecting Actions > Link People will open a window where you can search for people to link to the opportunity in bulk. To do this, first choose whether you want to search for Applicants or Learners using the drop-down menu, then use the filters below to restrict the list to the relevant group of records.

Once you have located the records you want to link, use the tickboxes to select the relevant records and select Link to add them all to the opportunity. These records will then be shown in the Learners and Applicants tab.


Other Information

The remaining details for the opportunity are found in the various tabs in the summary page. Information can be edited from within each of these tabs. The following tabs are available:

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