Editing Organisations in PICSWeb
Either selecting Edit from an Organisation Summary page or selecting ... > Edit by an organisation in the Organisation List will open a window where you can edit certain fields not available to edit in the summary.
A Find Field search bar is available at the top-right to search for a field. As you enter text, the list of fields will update automatically. Once you have finished, select Save to apply the changes and return to the summary page, or Cancel to exit without saving. The following fields are available to edit:
Roles – A drop-down menu is available here showing which Roles are available to add to the organisation. Once you have added a role, you can select the X next to it to remove it again.
Risk band
Status – A search bar is available at the top of the menu.
Telephone number
Mobile number
Email address
Alternate Email address
Address – Five fields are available to enter the address.
Ward – A search bar is available at the top of the menu.
Allowed Contact Methods – A search bar is available at the bottom of the menu. Once you have added a contact method, you can select the X next to it to remove it again.
Preferred Contact Method – A search bar is available at the top of the menu. You will be shown an error message if you try to save the record with a contact method in this field that has not been named as an Allowed Contact Method.
Unique Provider Identification Number (UPIN) – This should only be completed for other approved training providers.
Additional ID
End Point Assessment (EPA) Organisation ID
Head Office – If the organisation is part of a subcontracting arrangement with other organisations, you can search for the Head Office organisation here. A search bar is available at the top of the menu.
Main Contact – Here you can link an Officer representing an employee at the organisation who serves as your main contact. A search bar is available at the top of the menu.
Main Officer – Here you can link an Officer representing an employee at your own company who is responsible for contact with the organisation. A search bar is available at the top of the menu.