Creating a New Organisation in PICSWeb
Selecting Create in the Organisation List will open a window where you can create a new organisation. In this window, you can first enter a Name and Postcode for the organisation.
As you enter the organisation name, the Potential Matches list will update with any possible duplicate records, to make sure that you are not entering an organisation that already exists in the system. Selecting the icon by a potential match will take you to the corresponding record summary.
After this, the following options are available:
Save – This will save the organisation and take you to a window where you can add further details. This window is explained in Editing Organisations in PICSWeb.
Save > Save and View Summary – This will save the organisation and take you to the Organisation Summary page.
Save > Save and Close – This will save the organisation and return you to the Organisation List.
Cancel – This will discard the organisation without saving.