Qualification Plans in the PICSWeb Opportunity Summary

Qualification Plans in the PICSWeb Opportunity Summary

The Qualification Plans tab in the Opportunity Summary shows any Qualification Plans associated with the opportunity. For each plan, the following details are shown:

  • Description

  • Code

  • Quantity – This indicates how many programmes are available in this opportunity.

  • Age Band

  • Funding and Monitoring (FAM) Annual Contract Type (ACT) – This indicates whether the programme will be funded by Levy Funds or Co-Investment.

  • VAT Status

Filtering the Qualification Plan List

The options to search the qualification plan list by Code or Description or filter by Number of Records are available from above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Exporting the Qualification Plan List

Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Adding a New Qualification Plan

Selecting Add Qualification Plan in the qualification plan tab will open a window where you can link a new qualification plan to the learner. A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu.

Once you have finished, select Save to add the qualification or Cancel to discard it. Further details can be added by editing the qualification, as explained below.

Editing Qualification Plans

Selecting ... > Edit by a plan in the list will open a window where you can edit the following details. A Find Field search box is available at the top of the window.

  • Quantity

  • Age Band

  • Funding and Monitoring (FAM) Annual Contract Type (ACT) – Here you can specify which ACT code will be associated with new learners on this qualification plan:

    • Apprenticeship Contract with Levy Employer (ACT1L) – The learner is on the Apprenticeship Service and Levy-Funded.

    • Apprenticeship Contract with Non-Levy Employer (ACT1N) – The learner is on the Apprenticeship Service but is Co-Invested.

    • Apprenticeship Contract with ESFA (ACT2) – The learner is not on the Apprenticeship Service and is Co-Invested.

  • VAT Status

  • Total Negotiated Prices – Here you can enter the Total Negotiated Prices (TNPs) for the learner's Training and Assessment.

  • Employer Training and Assessment Costs – Here you can schedule how the Training and Assessment TNPs will be paid. For each type of cost, you can specify the following:

    • Total amount

    • Lump Sum

    • At – Here you can specify when the lump sum will be paid in relation to the applicant's Start or Expected End date.

    • Remaining Every – Here you can specify the length of time between payments.

    • Max Payments – Here you can enter the maximum amount of payments.

Qualification Plan Actions

Along with adding and editing plans, selecting ... > Delete by a record in the list will remove the plan from the learner record. You will be prompted to confirm before the record is removed.

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