Cloning Learner Reviews in PICSWeb

Cloning Learner Reviews in PICSWeb

Selecting … > Clone by a review in either the Reviews tab in the Learner Delivery Plan or Review List will open a window where you can create a future review with similar details to the original.

In the Clone Review window, you can enter the following details for the new review, which will be set to match the original review by default:

  • Type

  • Proposed Date and Time – Selecting the date field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Reviewer – This is the staff member responsible for the review. This field contains a drop-down menu of Officers to link. A search bar is available at the top of the menu.

  • Mentor – This is the staff member linked as the learner's mentor. This field contains a drop-down menu of Officers to link. A search bar is available at the top of the menu.

Once you have made any changes, the following options are available:

  • Save – This will save the new review and take you to the Edit Window where you can enter further details for the new review.

  • Save and View Summary – This will save the new review and open the Review Summary.

  • Save and Close – This will save the review and return you to the review list.

  • Cancel – This will discard the review without saving.

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