Gap Analysis in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

Gap Analysis in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

This guidance is for learners using PICSWeb Portfolio. As this system can be customised by your training provider, you may not have access to all of the areas described in this help. Please ask your training provider if you are experiencing any issues with the system.

The Gap Analysis tab shows how much Evidence is required, and how much has been uploaded, to support each of your qualifications.

The Summary at the top of the tab shows the total number of evidence files that have been uploaded and the number of times each Method has been used.

The rest of the tab is made up of a list of the Qualifications that make up your programme. You can use the + icons to expand the list to show the Units that make up each qualification. For each qualification, the following details are shown:

  • Title

  • Due/Done date

  • Score – This shows the total score assigned to all the evidence that has been uploaded so far, compared against the required score for the qualification.

You can select the eye icon by a qualification to open the corresponding Qualification Summary or Unit Summary.


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