Completing a Target Scan in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

Completing a Target Scan in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

This guidance is for learners using PICSWeb Portfolio. As this system can be customised by your training provider, you may not have access to all of the areas described in this help. Please ask your training provider if you are experiencing any issues with the system.

If a staff member has set up a Target Scan for you to complete, the scan will be added to the list in the Target Scans tab and you will be notified in the What’s Next section of the PICSWeb Portfolio home screen.

Selecting the eye icon by the scan will open the Preview, which contains a link to the Target Scan Summary.


To add your answers to the scan, either select Add Answers from the Summary or select Target/Skills Scan from the Quick Actions menu and choose which scan you would like to add answers for.

Selecting Add Answers will open a window where you can choose the Stage you consider yourself to have reached for each Knowledge, Skill or Behaviour item. For each item you can also add any necessary Notes.

Once you are finished, select Save. Your answers will then be added to the diagrams in the Target Scan Summary and the Learner Completed field will be set to Yes. The staff member who created the scan will also be notified that you have submitted your answers.


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