Providing Signatures in PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

Providing Signatures in PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

This guidance is for learners using PICSWeb Portfolio. As this system can be customised by your training provider, you may not have access to all of the areas described in this help. Please ask your training provider if you are experiencing any issues with the system.

Some Evidence Files and Reviews will require a signature from you before they can be approved. Any signatures requested from you will be shown in the What’s Next section of the PICSWeb Portfolio home screen. They can also be viewed for each item in the Signatures tab in the Evidence Summary and Review Summary.

You can enter your signature from the Signature Preview. This window can be opened either by selecting the eye icon by the signature in the What’s Next section or selecting … > Preview by the signature in the Signatures tab in the Evidence Summary or Review Summary.

In the Signature Preview, the Sign Now field contains a box where you can draw in your signature. If you would prefer, you can also select Use Keyboard to type it in instead. The Reset button can be used to clear the signature field if you have made a mistake.

Once you have signed, select Sign at the bottom of the window to submit the signature. The relevant staff member will be notified that you have signed.


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