Messages in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

Messages in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

This guidance is for learners using PICSWeb Portfolio. As this system can be customised by your training provider, you may not have access to all of the areas described in this help. Please ask your training provider if you are experiencing any issues with the system.

Selecting the message icon from the top of the page will open the messages log. This page shows any messages sent or received relating to your Evidence Files.

You can use the two icons to switch between the Inbox and Sent Items folders. Both folders can be searched by Subject and filtered by Number of Records using the search bar.

For each message, the following details are shown:

  • Read – This icon is shown for messages in your inbox and indicates whether the message has been opened or not. You can use the tickboxes by each message to mark it as Read or Unread as necessary.

  • Attachments – This icon indicates whether the message has a file attachment. If so, you will be able to view and download the file in the message summary explained below.

  • From/To

  • Subject – Selecting this will open the message summary explained below.

  • Sent/Received date and time

Message Summary

Selecting a message subject will open the message summary window. Here you can see the following message details:

  • From/To

  • Sent/Received date and time

  • Attachments – Selecting this will download a copy of the attached file to your device.

  • Message

If the message is regarding an Evidence File, the following details are shown, along with a link to the Evidence Summary:

  • Evidence Title

  • Assessment Status

  • Due date – If the evidence has been requested from you, a button to Upload the Evidence will be available here.

  • Methods

  • Officer – This is the staff member responsible for the evidence file.

  • Off the Job Hours – If the evidence supports any Off the Job Hours, you can use the button here to Log Off the Job Hours.

The full message log will also be shown in this window. Here you can view all previous messages and notifications for the related evidence file.

Replying to Messages

The message summary for incoming messages has a button to Reply. Selecting this will open a window where you can enter the following details for your message:

  • To – This drop-down menu will show all staff members responsible for the evidence.

  • Subject

  • Message

  • Attachments – If you need to attach a file to your message, either select this field to open a browser or drag and drop the file onto the field. Bear in mind if the message is a request for evidence, any attachments uploaded here will Not be used as evidence files.

Once you are finished, select Send to send the message. The message will also be added to the Sent Items folder in your messages page.


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