Planning Values in the PICSWeb Funding Profile Summary

Planning Values in the PICSWeb Funding Profile Summary

This section will be unavailable until you choose or create both a Planned Starts Profile and Qualification Plan Profile, as explained in the linked pages.

The Planning tab in the Funding Profile Summary is where you can enter planned starts against different Qualification Plan Profiles. Planned starts entered here will then update the relevant values in this table and the table in the Overall tab. The tab is divided into tables for each age band that makes up the funding profile.

Unlike the overall tab, which shows values for all qualification plans included, the planning table only shows values for the currently selected Qualification Plan Profile.

Choosing a Qualification Plan Profile

The Qualification Plan Profile that you are currently using will be displayed above the table. Selecting Change will open a window where you can change the qualification plan profile or create a new one.

Navigating the Planning Table

The planned start fields will only be available to edit if you are in one of the age band-specific tables and not the All Ages table.

The planning table is made up of the following columns:

  • Period

  • Actual Total – These are the values for each period calculated by Projected Funding.

  • Actual Starts – This is the number of upcoming starts included in Projected Funding.

  • Planned Starts – Here you can enter the number of planned starts for the current Qualification Plan Profile.

  • Remaining Starts – This is the number of Planned Starts with the number of Actual Starts subtracted.

  • Planned In Learning – This is the cumulative number of learners in learning during each period, according to your planned starts.

  • Planned Amount – This is the funding total for each of the planned starts, according to the relevant qualification plan data.

  • Total Funding – This is the sum of the Actual Total and Planned Amount columns.

  • Total Vs Funding – This compares the values in the Profiled Amount and Total Funding columns.

A row for Totals is also available at the bottom of the table.

Once you have entered any planned start numbers, remember to select Save from above the table before you navigate away from the planning tab.

Row Details

Selecting … > Details by a row in the table will open a window showing additional details for all of the cells that make up the row. Select Close to return to the overall tab.