User Defined Forms for Review Signing in PICSWeb

User Defined Forms for Review Signing in PICSWeb

This feature is only available to users licensed for either PICS Portfolio or Form Capture.

It is possible to have Learners and Contacts enter more than just a signature when Signing a Review that has been emailed to them. There are two methods for additional remote data capture:

  • Configuring Review Notes to make them available to learners and employer contacts.

  • Setting up UDFs for Review Details that can be filled in by learners and contacts – This process is explained in this page.

To set up a UDF for review signing, find the relevant UDF, open the Edit Window and make sure that the Form For field includes Learners.

Next, go to the Locations and Visibility Restrictions tab in the User Defined Form Summary and select … > Edit by the Learner location.

In the first step, set the Location to Review Details. Select Next to continue.

In the second step, a field for Extra User Type will be available. Here you can choose whether you want Learners or Contacts to be able to fill out the UDF. Select Save to finish.

Next add any questions to the UDF that you want to be completed. Remember to Save the UDF once you are finished.

The next time you request a Signature from a learner or contact, when they open the review signing view, the UDF fields will be available for them to edit.

Once values have been added and the learner or contact has signed the review, the UDF fields will be displayed in the details panel in the Review Summary.