Review Notes in PICSWeb Configuration
The Notes tab in the Reviews section of Lists and Types Configuration is where you can choose which of the 11 Note fields in the Review Summary are visible to users and who is allowed to fill each field in.
For each note type, the following details are shown:
Visible – If this is set to Yes, a field for this note type will be visible in the Notes tab in the Review Summary.
Edit by Learner – If this is set to Yes, a learner who is Signing the Review will be able to edit this field.
Edit by Contact – If this is set to Yes, a contact who is Signing the Review will be able to edit this field.
Editing Review Notes
Selecting … > Edit by a note type in the list will open a window where you can edit the following options:
Visible – If this is switched on, a field for this note type will be visible in the Notes tab in the Review Summary.
Edit by Learner – If this is switched on, a learner who is Signing the Review will be able to edit this field.
Edit by Contact – If this is switched on, a contact who is Signing the Review will be able to edit this field.
Once you have made any changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.