User Defined Form Builder in PICSWeb

User Defined Form Builder in PICSWeb

This page covers editing the fields that make up the form.

Editing form details is explained in Editing User Defined Forms. Completing individual UDF instances is explained in Editing User Defined Form Values.

Selecting Add Questions in the Preview tab in the User Defined Form Summary will open the user defined form builder. Here you can add the necessary question fields to the form. If another PICSWeb user is currently editing a form in the form builder, it will be locked for any other users.

Once you have made the necessary changes to the field, select Save to confirm them.

Adding Fields

The right-hand side of the form builder displays the different question fields you can add to the form. With any field, you can either drag-and-drop the field onto the form or select it to add it to the form, underneath any questions that have already been added. Once you have added a field, you can customise the field options and formatting as explained below. The following fields are available to add:

  • Long Text – This field will accept a long text answer.

  • Text – This field will accept a short text answer.

  • Date – This field will accept an answer in the form of a calendar date. You can specify Minimum and Maximum accepted values in the field options to control the earliest and latest possible dates. This field will show a calendar date selector for the user filling it in.

  • Time – This field will accept an answer in the form of a 24-hour HH:MM time. You can specify Minimum and Maximum accepted values in the field options to control the earliest and latest possible times.

  • Single Select – This field will expand to show a drop-down menu, from which the user will be able to choose one value. You can add values to the list in the field options, with the option to specify a Code (for internal use) and Description (which the user will see) for each value.

  • Multiple Select – This field will display a value with the option for the user to tick or untick the box. You can specify whether the box will be ticked by default. To create a list where multiple options can be selected, you should set up several checkbox fields in a group.

  • Money – This field will accept a monetary value.

  • Number – This field will accept a numerical value.

The following fields can be used to display information and format the form:

  • URL – This field can be used to display a URL.

  • Long Label – This field can be used to display a block of text.

  • Group – This field can be used as a heading to group fields.

  • Header – This field can be used to display a smaller header than the Group field.

Editing Fields

Hovering over a question will show the following options:

  • Edit – This will open the edit window for the question as explained below.

  • Copy – This will add a copy of the question field to the bottom of the form.

  • Delete – You will be prompted to confirm before a question is deleted.

You can also drag and drop questions to rearrange them in the form.

Editing a question will open the window shown below, where you can amend the following details for the question. Once you are finished, select Done to confirm your changes.

  • Title – This is the question that will appear when the form is being completed.

  • Required Field – If this is ticked, the user will need to complete this field before the form can be saved against a record.

  • Required Message – If you have set the field as Required, here you can enter a custom error message if the form cannot be saved due to the field being left blank.

  • Minimum – Here you can specify the minimum value for numerical or date/time fields. For text fields, a Minimum Length is available to specify here.

  • Minimum Message – Here you can enter a custom error message if the form cannot be saved due to the answer not reaching the minimum value.

  • Maximum – Here you can specify the maximum value for numerical or date/time fields. For text fields, a Maximum Length is available to specify here.

  • Maximum Message – Here you can enter a custom error message if the form cannot be saved due to the answer exceeding the maximum value.

  • Import Field Name

  • Unique Field Name – If you are Importing UDF Fields, this name will serve as the API key to link fields in the import document to the UDF field in the relevant records. This name is also used to Include UDF Fields in Reports.

Please do not use spaces or slashes within Unique Field Names


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