Bulk Updating Reviews in PICSWeb
You can use the tickboxes in the overall Review List to select multiple reviews. The top tickbox can be used to select or deselect all reviews currently shown in the list. Once you have ticked a review, options to Update All and Delete All will be shown.
Selecting Delete All will delete all ticked reviews. You will need to confirm before the reviews are deleted.
Selecting Update All will open a window where you can choose which fields you want to update for the ticked reviews. To update a field, tick the corresponding box and ten enter the new value. The following fields are available to edit:
Move Proposed Date – Here you can enter the number of days that you want to move the Proposed Date forward by.
Attended value
Actual Date
Once you have made your changes, select Save to update the reviews or Cancel to discard your changes. After saving, you will be prompted to refresh the review list to show the updated reviews.