Calendar in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

Calendar in the PICSWeb Portfolio for Learners

This guidance is for learners using PICSWeb Portfolio. As this system can be customised by your training provider, you may not have access to all of the areas described in this help. Please ask your training provider if you are experiencing any issues with the system.

The Calendar tab shows any events or deadlines shown for the current month of your programme.

The Type filter can be used to restrict the calendar to only show certain types of events. Once you have chosen from the drop-down menu, select the Search icon to refresh the calendar.

The following options are available to navigate the calendar:

  • < and > – These will navigate between different months.

  • Today – This will return the calendar to the current date.

  • Month/Mon-Fri/Month List/Year – These buttons will change the amount of time that is displayed on one page of the calendar.

Selecting an item in the calendar will open a preview window, where you can view additional details for the item and go to the Summary page.

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