Adding a New Funding Profile in PICSWeb

Adding a New Funding Profile in PICSWeb

Selecting Create New Profile from the Funding Profile List will open a window where you can enter the following details for the new profile:

  • Title

  • Contract – Here you can choose the relevant Contract for the profile from the drop-down menu.

  • From Period

  • To Period

  • Amount Type – Here you can specify how the funding amounts are distributed between periods. If you choose Set each period to specified amounts, you will be able to specify amounts for each period in the Edit Window.

  • 16-18 Amount – Here you can enter the funding amount allocated to the 16-18 age band.

  • 19+ Amount – Here you can enter the funding amount allocated to the 19+ age band.

  • Show 24+ Age Band – If this is switched on, the 19+age band will be changed to 19-23 and a new field for 24+ Amount will appear.

Once you have entered the necessary details, the following options are available:

  • Save and Edit – This will save the profile and take you to the Edit Window for the funding profile.

  • Save and View Summary – This will save the profile and take you to the Funding Profile Summary.

  • Save and Close – This will save the profile and return you to the Funding Profile List.

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