13. Advanced Features for Target Scans in Sign-up Forms

13. Advanced Features for Target Scans in Sign-up Forms

Automatically assigning Target Scopes via Applicant Sign-up Forms

Target Scopes can automatically be assigned to applicants during the sign up process.

In order to do this firstly a target and relative target scope items must be created.

Once created, this target must be assigned to the relevant qualification plan.

In order to do this, access Delivery > Qualification plan and select the relevant qualification plan for your target to be assigned to. You can locate this by using the provided search tools.

Once you have located the relevant Qualification Plan, click the more actions icon (3 dots) and select edit.

with the Edit Qualification Plan modal open, locate the fields for Delivery Target & Delivery Model.

Assign the relevant target and click save.

For tips on creating a Qualification plan please refer to our guide on Qualification Plans.

Once done, open your applicant sign up form / register of interest form. You can access this via Forms and Themes > Sign up forms. clicking the more actions icon (3 dots) and clicking Edit.

We then need to add in the Qualification Plan field into the sign up form. We can do this by clicking Add Field


With the modal present, we can then search for the qualification plan field and select the plus icon to insert this into our form.


This will insert at the bottom, however you’re reposition this in the form wherever you see fit. Click save to save the changes made to the form.

When utilising the Applicant Sign up Form, if a Qualification plan has been selected that is linked to a Target this will be automatically assigned to the applicant once the form is completed.


Automatically creating a user account for an applicant via Applicant Sign-up Forms

Applicants require a user account to be linked to them in order for them to access PICS Web and completed a Target Scan.

By adding a password field to your Applicant Sign up Form, PICS Web will automatically create and link a user account to the applicant.

Open your applicant sign up form / register of interest form. You can access this via Forms and Themes > Sign up forms. clicking the more actions icon (3 dots) and clicking Edit.

We then need to add in the Password field into the sign up form. We can do this by clicking Add Field

With the modal present, we can then search for the Password field and select the plus icon to insert this into our form.

This will insert at the bottom, however you’re reposition this in the form wherever you see fit. Click save to save the changes made to the form. We can also make this field mandatory to ensure that a password is provided when then form is utilised. We can do this by locating the field and clicking the pencil icon. Ensure the checkbox titled mandatory is checked. This will make our password field mandatory.

Once done, saved the changes and the form is now configured to created and link a user account to our applicant, enabling them to access PICS Web and complete Target Scans.

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