1. Creating & Cloning a Target

1. Creating & Cloning a Target

Accessing Delivery > Targets will open the target page where a list of all available targets are displayed.

Selecting create in the target list will open a window where you can add a new target to your PICSWeb basedata. This process is made up of two steps.

In the first window, choose the type of programme that the target is intended for. The following types are available:

  • Apprenticeship Standard

  • Apprenticeship Framework

  • Other

Once you have made your choice, select Next to continue.

In the next window, you can enter a Title for the target. Depending on the Type you have chosen, you will also be able to choose which specific Standard or Framework code the target is intended for. If you have chosen Other, this field will not be available.

Once you have finished, the following options are available:

  • Save – This will save the target and take you straight to the Edit Window, where you can enter a Description for the target.

  • Save > Save and View Summary – This will save the target and take you to the Target Summary.

  • Save > Save and Close – This will save the target and return you to the Target List.

  • Cancel – This will discard the target without saving.


Cloning a Target

Targets can now be cloned to allow for easier creation when minor adjustments are required. For example, different pathways within an apprenticeship standard.

To clone a pathway. Click the Actions icon located at the top of the screen, and select Clone.


Clicking Clone will display a new modal, where you’ll be asked to create a new title for the cloned target.



With a new name specified for the cloned target, this can now be saved. Following being saved, you’ll be asked to provide additional details for this new target:;

  • Target Description

  • Learner Tag following target scan being completed

  • Applicant Tag following target scan being completed

The cloned target will now be visible within the Target Summary page.




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