12. Target Scans in Webforms

12. Target Scans in Webforms

Completed target scan results are able to be embedded into Learner Webforms.

When an Applicant is transferred to a learner their final Target Scan as an Applicant becomes their initial Learner Target Scan

In order to embed the latest target scan into a webform, first locate the webform within Forms and Themes > Webforms

Once located select Edit from the more actions icon (3 dots)

Within the webform, select Actions and Clone and Retire. This will create a new version of this form and retire this version.

With a new version of this Webform now active you’ll be presented with a number of configuration options. Amongst this will be the option to select the relevant Target Scan roles

This will show the most recent target scan results of the User type selected and will be available to view in the Webform when viewing either remote view when a form has been sent via email:

Alternatively you can view Target Scan results natively within PICS Web.