Apprenticeship Component Aim Achievement Rates in PICSWeb QAR Calculations

Apprenticeship Component Aim Achievement Rates in PICSWeb QAR Calculations

The Apprenticeship Component Aim Achievement Rates report is not officially defined by the ESFA and is available in PICS for information purposes only.

The Apprenticeship Component Aim Achievement Rates report is intended to identify achievement separately for each aim rather than across the entire programme. The report is based on the calculations for Apprenticeship Programme Achievement Rates, but is limited to component aims with the following criteria:

  • Aim Type is not 1

  • Programme Type is one of the following:

    • 02: Advanced Level Apprenticeship

    • 03: Intermediate Level Apprenticeship

    • 10: Higher Apprenticeship

    • 20: Higher Apprenticeship - level 4

    • 21: Higher Apprenticeship - level 5

    • 22: Higher Apprenticeship - level 6

    • 23: Higher Apprenticeship - level 7+

    • 25: Apprenticeship Standard (Overall rates only)

  • The aim is not excluded from Achievement Rates.

Overall Achievement Rates

The Apprenticeship Component Aim overall achievement rates are calculated using the standard Overall methodology and includes component aims where the Actual End date is not blank. The main differences between the apprenticeship component aim and programme aim reports are:

  • The aim Achievement date is not used to calculate the Hybrid end date / Overall Year as this field is not available for component aims.

  • The exclusion for Apprenticeship Standard aims which are currently at End Point Assessment is not applied, as component aims can not undergo End Point Assessment.

Timely Achievement Rates

The Apprenticeship Component Aim timely achievement rates are calculated using the standard Timely methodology and include component aims where the Planned End date is before the end of the PICSWeb Report period.

The main difference is that Apprenticeship Standard aims with Programme Type 25 are not included in Timely achievement rates.

Calculation Summaries

Apprenticeship Component Aim Year Cohorts

A. Overall achievement cohort

  1. Aim Type is not 1 (i.e. not a Programme Aim)

  2. And Programme Type = 02, 03, 10, 20-23, 25

  3. And Completion Status is not=1

  4. And Actual End Date (AED) is not blank and is >=01/08/2019.

  5. And the aim hybrid end date is in the year being reported
    And that date is <= the report end date.

B. Timely achievement cohort

Not used for Prog Type 25

  1. Aim Type is not 1 (i.e. not a Programme Aim)

  2. Aim has programme type = 02, 03, 10, 20-23.

  3. And Planned End Date (PED) is in the year reported
    And that date is <= the report end date.

Apprenticeship Component Aim Achievements


From A or B above.

Maximum/Minimum Overall achievement. See details of the extended cohort used in these figures.


Aims in Cohort where:

Outcome = 1;


And (for Timely Success only) the AED is <= 90 days after the PED.

Maximum Overall achievement. All additional aims in the extended cohort are counted as achievers.

Minimum Overall achievement. No additional aims in the extended cohort are counted as achievers.

Achievement Rate

Achieved  x 100


 Additional figures available for Table Type = Achievement, Retention and Pass rate


Aims in Cohort with Completion Status = 2


Retention Rate

Completed  x 100


Pass Rate

Achieved     x 100

percentage of completers to achievers


For more information, see the details of Excluded Aims and ILR Codes used in QAR.

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