Using the Interactive QAR Report

Using the Interactive QAR Report

Detailed explanations of how QARs are calculated are available in the QAR Calculations section.

This page takes you through the process of building and then using the Qualification and Achievement Rates Report (QAR) with an Interactive Output. Certain options are only available for this report template to allow for more advanced analysis of your QARs.

The process for creating an interactive report is as follows:

  1. Build a QAR Report dataset. This runs the QAR calculations on your PICS data and builds a large dataset of all aims and the various fields required for the QAR, based on the QAR report type and other chosen report options. This is stored in PICS for viewing later on, and can be shared with other PICS users.

  2. Viewing the Interactive report. Once the dataset has been created and stored, it can be viewed using the QAR Interactive Report viewer. The QAR is slightly different to other PICS interactive reports due to the complexity of the QAR calculations, and allows several predefined table and chart types.

  3. Analysing and filtering the report. It is possible to use the output columns selected when building the report dataset to analyse (split) the interactive report, or to filter to specific values. This allows you to create a report filtered to relevant aims, and showing whichever data breakdown is required.

These steps are explained in more detail below.

Building the QAR Report

The options you choose when Generating the QAR Report will affect how you can customise and analyse the interactive report.

Any Optional Fields ticked when building the report will be available in the interactive report as Analysis Columns, meaning that you can see how your QARs compare for each different value of the chosen field.

In the example below, when the report is generated, the user will be able to add Site as an analysis column. This means that they can then compare rates for learners linked to each different site.

Unlike the spreadsheet report, the interactive QAR report cannot report on both the Overall and Timely rates. You will need to limit the report to one of these in the Report Total Type field in Report Options before the interactive report can be generated.

You will also want to make sure that the Output Type is set to Interactive in the Save and Schedule tab before running the report.

Once you have set all the necessary report options, select Run Now to begin to generate the report. This will happen as a background process and you will be informed by email when the report is ready to view.

Viewing the Interactive Report

Once you have been notified that the report is available to view, you can access it by selecting View Report in the Available Reports tab.

The report will not initially be visible. You will need to set your chosen report options from the left-hand side and select Update Chart for it to appear.

Analysing QAR Data

The interactive output for the QAR report will display either your Overall or Timely achievement rates, depending on the Report Total Type chosen when building the report (you cannot choose All for the interactive report). The only Chart Types available for QARs are Table and Bar Chart. Both can be analysed by any columns included in the report data.

Table View

Instead of the Analysis Method option available for other interactive reports, there are instead three Table Types you can use:

  • Achievement Rate – This shows the number of leavers, achievers and the achievement rate percentage in each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column), split by year. The current report year and previous two years are shown.

  • Achievement, Retention and Pass Rate - This shows the same totals as the Achievement Rate table, but additionally includes the number of Completers, the Retention Rate and the Pass Rate. See our Calculation Page for more detail on how these are calculated.

  • Achievement Rate Forecast – This shows the Achievement Rate Forecast (minimum / maximum achievement rates) for the current report year. See our Calculation Page for more detail on how these are calculated.

The table view also allows you to add multiple Analysis Columns, as in the example above. These can be used to subdivide the table according to multiple variables. Select the + icon to add a field for a new column.

In the example above, the row for the Advanced Framework (FM35) is divided into smaller rows for each different Site.

Bar Chart View

Instead of the Analysis Method option available for other interactive reports, there are instead seven Chart Types you can use:

  • Achievement Rate - A stacked bar chart showing the achievement rate (in green) and non-achievement rate (in red) for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Achievement Rate (3 year) - A bar chart showing the achievement rate for the current and two previous years for each cohort.

  • Achievement Rate Count - A stacked bar chart showing the number of achievers (in green) and non-achievers (in red) for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Achievement Rate Forecast - A bar chart showing the minimum, actual and maximum achievement rate for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Achievement, Retention and Pass Rate - A bar chart showing the achievement, retention and pass rate for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Retention Rate (3 year) - A bar chart showing the Retention rate for the current and two previous years for each cohort.

  • Pass Rate (3 year) - A bar chart showing the Pass rate for the current and two previous years for each cohort.

Hovering over each bar will show the exact percentage or numerical value. To see the specific aims which comprise the total, the corresponding Table View should be used.

Exporting QAR Data

Clicking on any total in the Table View will open a list of aims comprising that total. This list can then be exported to Excel.

To view all aim data in the report, click Show all aim data below the table. Note that this will include all aim records that could be included in any report type, including Retention and Forecast figures, not just the records included in the currently displayed figures. You will need to manage the data in a spreadsheet to restrict it to those values.

To export the table itself to Excel, the Export table button is available below the table.

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